About ninenine

I'm not one to shy away from dreaming big. As far back as I can remember, I've always had a wild imagination that would take me on journeys far beyond the four walls of my bedroom. But as I grew older, I began to realize that dreaming and doing were two very different things.

I struggled for years with following through on my ideas. Every new project I started would quickly lose its luster, leaving me feeling unfulfilled and disappointed. I couldn't seem to find that spark to keep me going.

But then, something changed. A seed of an idea began to take root in my mind, and it refused to let go. I envisioned a shoe company that would create something truly unique and special - something that would make people feel good just by wearing it. And I knew that I had to see it through, no matter what.

So, I took a leap of faith and founded ninenine. It was scary, but exhilarating at the same time. I poured my heart and soul into it, determined to make it a success. And now, here we are - a thriving shoe company with dozens of one-of-a-kind designs that people can't get enough of.

Of course, the road to success wasn't easy. There were plenty of obstacles to overcome, from finding the right suppliers to figuring out how to market our products effectively. But I refused to let anything stand in my way. With each hurdle that we cleared, my belief in the company grew stronger.

And while I know that my ADHD has played a role in my journey, I'm grateful for the creativity and energy that it brings. It's allowed me to approach problems from unique angles, to see things from a different perspective. Without it, I'm not sure that ninenine would even exist today.

Looking ahead, I'm excited to see where this journey takes us. I'm humbled by the support that we've received from our customers, and I'm committed to continuing to create products that make people feel special and unique. After all, that's what ninenine is all about - turning dreams into reality, one pair of shoes at a time.